Friday, June 26, 2015

Texas Domestic Flight

Third Culture Dog
First domestic trip!

The first difference I noticed about flying domestically with a dog was the price. From Tunisia to Houston & Europe to Houston it's always been $100. But to go from Houston to Lubbock (an hour and a half flight on a tiny plane) it's $125!! Why? Are they afraid of being sued?

Well, I paid it. I really wanted to take Diego on this little Texas road trip. So here we are, at Starbucks at IAH. 

The whole process of paying and checking in Diego is different to international travel. First of all, it's much easier and faster. You can have your cake and eat it too.... International flights are somewhat comfortable and you don't have to open your wallet every time you want a drink or something to eat, but the check in process with a dog is long and tedious. Domestic check in is super easy, but the planes are small and uncomfortable and any perks will cost you an arm and a leg.

We have an 8:45am flight to Lubbock so we decided to arrive between 6:45 and 7:00. I had no idea what the check in process would be like so I planned less for an international flight and more for a domestic trip. However, to my surprise I was able to get my boarding pass the day before. I've never been able to do that internationally with Diego!  Today we got lucky. All the ladies working in the self check in areas went crazy for D and got us right to the front of the line. I write that jokingly since there was no one in the line!

Side note: In 2011 when I started flying with Diego, he was able to be out of the carrier in Tunisia and Europe, but not in the USA. Now, I have him out. Am I just more daring or do people not care? 

After the flight...
The flight was fine. Super fast and somewhat comfortable. Diego's Sherpa carrier fit very nicely under the seat in front of me. That's a first! It was great because I was actually able to put my feet in front of my chair rather than strattled on each side of the carrier. 

People looked at us like we were crazy when we got to Lubbock. I don't think they see grown women's carrying around a little dog in a sling. Oh well, they had something for their dinner conversation that night. 

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