Monday, June 10, 2013


We only have 5 more nights in Tunisia and one traveling before we land in Houston June 16th
The packers came on the 1st so the comforts of home are not here. On the packing day, Diego was not at home. I felt he may get stressed, lost, or bite the ankles of the strange men in the house so he stayed with his friend, Barney.

When Diego came home to see the almost empty house I didn’t think he’d react much. We still have the school furniture, but no knick-knacks, color or art. Then, one evening, as I sat on the sofa, I watched Diego look around like he was trying to figure out where the large painting over the sofa had gone, or the comfy pillows he slept on. He seemed overly tired for a couple days after, but again, I didn’t think much about it until I searched “do dogs get depressed” on Google and found loads of articles pertaining to the subject.

One of the reasons why a dog could be sad, down or depressed is moving. I knew I was doing the right thing by leaving most of his toys, one large pillow he loves to lay on and of course his beloved airline carrier.

We have set up camp in the master bedroom and I feel like I am living in Tokyo again! Diego is as perky as ever and that is because I have maintained his schedule, I’m sure. I still have to go to work so it’s quite easy to do.

                                            "CAMPING" IN THE MASTER BEDROOM

Soon we will be in our other home, a familiar and comfortable place for him and then to a new apartment in Copenhagen. I am worried how he will do there without seeing and playing with Barney every day. Will he meet new friends at the dog parks? Should I hire a (super expensive) dog walker five days a week for the first 3-4 months?

Diego is going to experience, for the first time, “lasts.” He just had his last run with Barney on the beach in Tunisia, he will play in the garden one last time, he will walk in beautiful Carthage for the last time and he will visit the lovely vet and groomer for the last time tomorrow.

It’s the life of an international school teacher, a third culture kid and third culture dog.

I know I am doing the right thing and know he will be fine as long as he has familiar things and smells around him.

Has anyone ever experienced a sad dog? Do you know why your dog was sad? How long did it take him/her to perk up again? 

                                            LAST (AND FIRST) BATH WITH BARNEY
                                                      *FYI: I did not pick out those tiles.

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