Saturday, April 27, 2013

About Third Culture Dog

Hello and welcome to my blog: Third Culture Dog. My name is Jen and I currently live in Tunisia with my 2 year old pekingese named Diego. 

Diego came into my life in August 2011. He was about 4 months olds and had been abandoned with his parents and 2 siblings. I was looking for a small dog at the time and he came into my life at the perfect time. I couldn't imagine life without him and take him everywhere I can!

Diego has been to the USA four times and Europe for a holiday. We also spend the night in Germany when trasiting from North Africa to the USA. Diego knows his way around a hotel now and just loves the glass elevator at the Hilton in Frankfurt!

We are about to move to Denmark and I am busy getting the paperwork ready to take him from Tunisia, to the USA, then to Denmark all in a 6 week period. Diego is just the right size to fit in a medium sized Sherpa Dog Carrier and sits at my feet in the airplane. Luckily I have short legs so sitting in economy with a dog at my feet is not too bad!

This is my first posting and I am just learning how to do this, but had the idea to write about our experiences in order to help others. Many of my friends in Tunisia have dogs and some ask me questions about travel. I also get stopped by people in airports asking me questions on traveling with a dog. In this blog I can tell you what I do for Diego in order to prepare for a trip and will update you with any new information and personal stories about traveling with a dog. 

Please remember: the things I tell you about are the things that work for me and they may not work for you. When I first began traveling with Diego I read all I could about peoples' personal experiences and made my own travel plan based on what was best for us. Most of the time I have had perfect experiences, but the emergency travel bag has come in handy before!

Diego in Tunisia 2012


  1. This is a great idea Jen, I'm certain it is going to be so helpful to a lot of dog lovers. I can't wait to read more about Diego's adventures.

  2. Shelly,

    Thank you very much! I hope it can be helpful. I am learning as I go so I hope to reach out ot people who can help me, too!


  3. Love it Sista'!!!
